The budget 2023 has brought about significant changes that will impact Mums who are returning to work. The government has introduced several measures to support women’s participation in the workforce, enhance their skills, and promote gender equality. Here are some of the key highlights of the budget 2023 that will impact mums returning to work:
Childcare: The budget has proposed to increase funding for childcare services, which will make it easier for Mums to return to work. The government has also proposed to set up new childcare centers and expand the existing ones, making it more convenient for parents to access quality childcare services.
Parental Leave: The budget has proposed to extend parental leave, which will enable Mums to take more time off work to care for their children. This will allow Mothers to spend more time with their newborns, recover from childbirth, and manage their work and family responsibilities more effectively.
Flexible Work Arrangements: The budget has proposed to introduce flexible work arrangements, including telecommuting and job-sharing, which will make it easier for mums to balance their work and family responsibilities. These arrangements will enable Mothers to work from home, avoid long commutes, and manage their schedules more efficiently.
Reskilling: The budget has proposed to increase funding for reskilling and upskilling programs, which will help mums to improve their skills and enhance their employability. These programs will enable mothers to acquire new skills, explore new career opportunities, and transition back into the workforce more effectively.
Gender Equality: The budget has proposed to promote gender equality in the workforce by introducing measures to address the gender pay gap and improve women’s representation in leadership positions. These measures will enable mums to access equal pay and opportunities and eliminate discrimination in the workplace.
The focus on childcare, parental leave, flexible work arrangements, reskilling, and gender equality will enable mothers to balance their work and family responsibilities more effectively, improve their skills, and enhance their employability. These measures will not only benefit mums but also contribute to the overall economic growth and development of the country.
This can only be a good thing when it comes to recruitment, and will really help fill those vacancies of which companies are struggling to fill.
At Arden Personnel, we are constantly registering new candidates and conduct daily searches of job sites to find the latest candidates who have become available for work. We don’t rely on applications as many candidates are passively looking for work.
To find out more about our services and how we can help you give us a call now on 01789 532220 or email admin@ardenpersonnel.co.uk.