Hello everyone, hope you are all well and keeping safe.
The Pandemic has changed a lot of people’s lives. Recruiting for talent is no different. With the lockdown and social distancing the traditional face to face interview has vanished. With job roles to fill we have relied on Zoom as a way to conduct interviews here at Arden Personnel.
With time spent at home a lot of job seekers are looking at new career moves. Arden Personnel has moved within this challenging time to help our candidates and clients fill roles as quickly as possible.
Even at a time of reduced jobs, certain companies still need to recruit. To protect the health of our candidates, our clients are having to approach interviews in a different way. We have now introduced video interviews, this enables us to show you a candidate’s personality in each applicants’ CV. You will get to see the real person before an interview saving you hours of time and missing any potential candidate stars you may have overlooked. https://blog.myinterview.com/video-interviewing-in-the-age-of-corona
How I have stayed positive
Whilst I’m writing this I feel a little guilty as I’ve quite enjoyed this time at home with my family. I’m very fortunate to live in rural area, which has helped me tremendously and my mental health and wellbeing has actually improved under lockdown. I am exercising every day, be that a walk with my dogs Champ and Penny or a slow jog across the fields to clear my mind. I have had time to cook nice evening meals and sit down with the family each night mainly discussing quiz questions that my son has made for his daily quiz night via zoom. I will have to say I didn’t realise I knew so much geeky stuff! I am quite impressed with myself.
I love a good book and I am in a book club with some girls from the village. We normally meet up each month taking it in turns to host, whilst enjoying a glass or two of prosecco. We discuss the book which we have been reading that month. Lockdown hasn’t stopped us with this and we are still continuing remotely over Zoom. Granted it’s not as good as face to face and I can’t wait to see them all once this is all over, but at least we still get to see each other.
I miss my work girls and know that their circumstances with a young family can sometimes be tough. We keep in touch each week laughing about what challenges we have had the day before. Nicki is now an expert on Tic Toc with her 8 year old daughter Freya and they have both enjoyed making a Rainbow hunt competition in their local neighbourhood. Natalie has been busy with her little one whilst still continuing to work.
Our Accounts department have been busy with the furlough of our staff and temp staff, they have been a great support to me during this time. Well done to Janine and Andrea, it really hasn’t been an easy task.
On a finishing note I am really thankful for what the NHS are doing. I am out on my doorstep every Thursday evening clapping to say thank you. My younger sister is a Nurse and my older sister a Care home Manager so it’s quite personal to me. I am hearing first-hand what this virus is doing and how wonderful our NHS are coping with it.
Also don’t forget to print off and join in our colouring competition, to show our support for the NHS.
Take care and stay safe.
Best Wishes