How do we find successful candidates in this current market

One thing is for sure, it isn’t easy! The market is incredibly candidate driven and moving so quickly.  The question is, how are we finding candidates and placing them successfully into new positions and why should you use an agency to recruit for you?

Our stats show that the main source for candidates (who we have placed) is our own internal database.  We are constantly registering candidates from different sources and we pride ourselves on keeping up with the current market and finding out who is looking for work.

You cannot afford to entirely rely on applications, if this were the case, our job would be incredibly easy.  However, it’s not.  We spend a lot of time, seeking out candidates who are job hunting, ie registering on job boards, updating their cv’s etc.  This is time consuming and relentless but it means we are building up a database of candidates for various roles.

If you would like us to look for a candidate for you, please contact us on 01789 532220 or email

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