We hope everyone is feeling well and staying safe at home with loved ones.
This week we have taken the incredibly difficult decision to temporarily close Arden Personnel due to the Coronavirus lockdown, we will review the closure in June in-line with Government advice on social distancing as it is updated.
Whilst our team are able to safely work from home, a huge number of our clients have had to close their offices and suspend all recruitment processes. After much consideration, we felt that the most sensible – and safest – action to take would be to temporarily cease operations at Arden Personnel too.
We have contacted our active temps directly and notified all candidates who are in an application process, and we will keep everyone updated as soon as we know more in June.
Rest assured that Arden Personnel will come bouncing back from this, as enthusiastically and more determined than ever! We will be ready and able to help our clients and candidates to do the same.
If you have any questions or need advice, please contact Lissa on l.fletcher@ardenpersonnel.co.uk
Stay safe, and stay well — we hope to see you all again very soon.