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All things Recruitment

6 months into 2024

arden personnel blog

The recruitment industry in 2024 is grappling with certain challenges. As the global economy continues to recover from recent upheavals, companies are eager to fill positions to drive growth and innovation. However, a perfect storm of factors has made this task increasingly difficult. Among these are a significant shortage of candidates, the frustrating phenomenon of ghosting, and the looming impact of the upcoming election. Let’s delve into each of these issues and explore their implications for the recruitment landscape.

The Candidate Shortage Crisis

One of the most pressing issues in recruitment today is the shortage of candidates. Several factors contribute to this:

  • Demographic Shift


Workers are retiring, and fewer younger individuals are entering the workforce. This demographic shift is creating talent gaps, particularly in industries that require specialised skills. The newer generations don’t appear to want to work/learn, why is this? Is it because they are staying in education longer, or they simply have it too good at home and don’t need to work!  We are seeing it more and more that some younger generations (not all) are more demanding when it comes to their requirements.

  • Skill Mismatches

As technology evolves, the demand for skills in areas has skyrocketed. However, the supply of candidates with these skills has not kept pace, leading to fierce competition among employers for top talent.

  • Post-Pandemic Career Re-evaluations

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted many individuals to rethink their career paths, leading to a rise in entrepreneurship and gig work. Consequently, fewer people are seeking traditional full-time employment.

The Ghosting Epidemic


This is a big one for us, and other agencies.  Ghosting, where candidates disappear during the recruitment process without any explanation, has become a significant pain point for recruiters. This behaviour, once mainly associated with online dating, is now rampant in the job market. The reasons behind this trend are multifaceted:

  • Too many Opportunities

In a candidate-driven market, jobseekers often have multiple offers on the table. This abundance of choice can lead to candidates dropping out of the process without notice if they receive a better offer elsewhere.

  • Poor Candidate Experience

Lengthy and impersonal recruitment processes can discourage candidates. If they feel undervalued or mistreated, they are more likely to disengage abruptly.  At Arden Personnel, we always encourage our clients to come back to CVs within 24 hours, purely because a) the candidates are moving so quickly and b) the candidates don’t hang around if we aren’t going back to them.

  • Digital Communication Norms

The rise of digital communication, which lacks the immediacy and personal touch of face-to-face interactions, has made it easier for candidates to disengage without feeling accountable.  We are doing more and more video interviews to try to prevent this from happening.  We find we get more commitment from a candidate if we have seen them face-to-face from the outset.

The Election’s Impact on Recruitment

As the 2024 election approaches, its potential impact on the recruitment industry cannot be ignored. Elections can influence economic policies, laws, and overall business confidence, all of which affect hiring practices. Here are some ways the election might shape the recruitment landscape:

  • Policy Uncertainty

Businesses often adopt a wait-and-see approach during election years, leading to delays in hiring decisions. Uncertainty about future policies, such as tax changes or healthcare reforms, can cause companies to hold off on expanding their workforce until after the election.

  • Economic Confidence

The outcome of the election can significantly impact economic confidence. A favourable outcome for businesses may lead to increased investment and hiring, while an unfavourable result could result in cutbacks and hiring freezes.


So, what can you do to overcome these challenges?

  • Invest in Employer Branding

Creating a strong employer brand can attract candidates even in a competitive market. Highlighting company culture, career development opportunities, and social responsibility initiatives can make a significant difference.

  • Enhance Candidate Experience

Streamlining the recruitment process and maintaining clear, consistent communication can reduce the likelihood of ghosting. Providing a positive experience from the first interaction can keep candidates engaged.

  • Upskill and Reskill

Investing in training programs to upskill current employees can help bridge skill gaps. Additionally, offering reskilling opportunities can attract candidates looking to change their careers. Be a bit more open and flexible to transferrable skills.

  • Stay Agile

Being prepared to adapt to changing political and economic conditions is crucial. Building flexibility into recruitment plans can help navigate the uncertainties of an election year.

If you would like any help or advice on your recruitment plans for the rest of 2024, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We are always here to help.